Series R Esteli is a line of cigars that was launched in General Cigar Company. The line is comprised of a mixture made up of Nicaraguan tobaccos. The cigars are made at an industrial facility located in Esteli, Nicaragua. Esteli, Nicaragua region. The cigar is offered in various sizes.
The Serie R Esteli comes in three sizes. The first size is Serie R Esteli No. 54 that is a massive 6 inch long cigar.
It is wrapped with the dark, oily Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. This Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper happens to be among my top wrappers. It is a great bump and veins that are medium in size, and semi-invisible seams. The scent in the wrapping is that of damp barnyard. This Serie R Esteli aroma is an amalgamation that is made up of tobacco from the natural plant, pepper and cocoa.