Taste the extravagant Acid Blue Blondie Cigar - the modern masterpiece that leaves a lasting impression upon the smoker. Crafted to perfection in order to deliver a mild to medium smoke, this cigar is hugged by a delectable Connecticut Shade wrapper that is filled by Nicaraguan filler tobacco. Infused with flavors from various herbs, the Acid Blondie delivers a strong flavor that is underpinned by a rather sweet taste. Seamlessly bound by a Nicaraguan binder, this product is smooth to the touch and comfortable to the grasp as it burns evenly for a prolonged period of time. The construction of these Acid cigars is impeccable as usual, allowing the draw to offer an uncompromising experience. As the cigar continues to burn, the smoker will experience a woody taste that eventually gives way to a tinge of caramel. Nicaragua offers some of the best climates for the growth of tobacco that comprises these cigars, so one should expect a quality that is rather difficult to match.